Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Dear Sir

Dear Sir Dear Sir Dear Sir By Maeve Maddox Daniel recently asked me, Is it correct to address someone by Sir even in informal contexts such as Instant Messaging or on a blog comment? The word sir serves a very useful purpose in English, even in those cultures that cherish democratic ideals to the extreme. Sir has been used as a respectful form of address in English since about 1350. Its use as a salutation at the beginning of letters can be traced to 1425. Originally used as a title for a knight, baronet, or (until the Seventeenth Century, a priest), the word sir, like sire, comes from a Latin word related to the word senior and had the meaning older or elder. Sir is still used to preface a knights given name: Now that Rudy Giuliani has been knighted, he can be called Sir Rudy. The form sire, with the sense of your majesty, is used to address a king. As a noun in more general use, sire has the meaning father or male parent. The word can also be used as a verb: John Brown sired several sons. The most frequent general use of sir is in the context of letter writing, a form of expression that is notoriously conservative in its language. For example, the British complimentary closing yours faithfully sounded really abject to my American ear the first time I heard it, but, living in England, I soon became accustomed to it for what it is, a polite convention that no one takes literally. Outside its conventional use as a written salutation, sir is a convenient word to have in a situation in which one wishes to politely catch the attention of a stranger: Sir, youve dropped your credit card. Excuse me, Sir, can you direct me to the town center? The female equivalent in such a situation would be Miss or Maam. Even in a democracyperhaps especially in a democracythe older forms of courtesy are never out of place. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Slang Terms for Money45 Synonyms for â€Å"Old† and â€Å"Old-Fashioned†One "L" or Two?

Saturday, November 23, 2019

General Sherman and The War essays

General Sherman and The War essays William Tecumseh Sherman was born on May 8, 1820 in Lancaster, Ohio. He was educated at the U.S. Military Academy and later went on to become a Union General in the U.S. civil war. Sherman resigned from the army in 1853 and became a partner in a banking firm in San Francisco. He became the president of the Military College in Louisiana(now Louisiana state University) from 1859-1861. Sherman offered his services at the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861 and wasput in command of a volunteer infantry regiment, becoming a brigadier general of volunteers after the first Battle of bull run. He led his division at the Battle of Shiloh and was then promoted to major general of volunteers. Soon after Sherman fought in the battle of Chattanooga he was made supreme commander of the armies in the west. Sherman fought many battles with such people as Ulysses S. Grant, and against people such as Robert E. Lee before he was commissioned lieutenant general of the regular army. Following Grants election to presidency he was promoted to the rank of full general and given command of the entire U.S. Army. William Sherman published his personal memoirs in 1875, retired in 1883, and died in 1891. William Tecumseh Sherman, as you have read, was a very talented and very successful man. He is remembered by many accomplishments, but probably most remembered by his famous March to the sea. Sherman's march to the sea was probably the most celebrated military action, in which about sixty thousand men marched with Sherman from Atlanta to the Atlantic ocean, then north through South Carolina destroying the last of the souths economic resources. Bedford Forrest was in Tennessee, and with Atlanta secured, Sherman dispatched George H. Thomas to Nashville to restore the order there. John B. Hood threatened Thomas's supply line, and for about a month, they both fought north of Atlanta. Sherman decided to d ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Leadership Skills for the Criminal Justice Professional Essay

Leadership Skills for the Criminal Justice Professional - Essay Example Thus it can be understood that individuals getting involved in this profession would be required to possess certain skills like sensibility, observational powers, communication ability, knowledge of the legal system for which he is working, as well as leadership skills. The need for the leadership skills arise since these professionals would require making decisions on severe issues in regard to the security against the crimes. Thus a criminal security professional not only performs his own role, but he is also involved in leading others who might be working under his guidance. His leadership skills would assist him taking appropriate decisions as well as guide and motivate others to perform efficiently towards the successful achievement of their objectives (Qualities of Good Criminal Justice Professionals, 2011). Thus the quality of leadership can be understood to have significance in the concerned profession and the individuals getting involved in the profession need to develop thi s to perform their roles efficiently towards steps against criminal activities. Such leadership skills are required to be maintained in their professional as well as personal lives such that they are efficient in their roles even in personal cases of justice where criminal activities are possible at different times and situations. The value of ethics has significance in the decision making of the criminal justice since justice is a field where moral values are reflected whose implications are felt on the surrounding human kind. The relationship between the crime and the legal system, the laws against the criminal activities, the limitations of punishing a criminal, are certain factors that have to be sincerely taken in to consideration by the criminal justice professional and hence involve the issue of ethics and virtue. Moreover, an understanding of the ethical principles increases the sense of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

In what ways did the railways of the subcontinent alter the Essay

In what ways did the railways of the subcontinent alter the relationship of Indians to their surroundings - Essay Example 13). The pressure for building railways in India came from London in 1840’s. The reason for that was so the economies of the two countries would be intermeshed. The Indian Railway Association was formed by Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy and Hon. Jaganath Shunkerseth in 1845. The Association was eventually incorporated into the Great Indian Peninsula Railway and the two formers became the only two Indians among the ten directors. The first train journey in India was between Bombay and Thane on the 16th of April in 1853 (Rothermund, H.U. 1993, p. 28). Shankarseth participated in this journey which involved a fourteen carriage long train drawn by three locomotives. The locomotives were known as Sultan, Sindh and Sahib. The train was around twenty one miles in length and took forty five minutes approximately. A century after the introduction of railway lines in India, basic policies and ultimate management of the Indian Railways came from London. Every decision made had to come from London. This means that the British had a huge role in the ways the railways of the subcontinent affected the Indians and their surroundings. These effects were seen in the military front, economically and also politically (Crowley, H.U. 2011, p. 21). Robert Maitland Brereton was the British engineer responsible for the expansion of the railways from 1857. By 1864, the Calcutta-Allahabad-Delhi line was completed and the Allahabad-Jabalpur branch line opened in June 1867. These two were linked with the Great Indian Peninsula Railway courtesy of Brereton. This resulted in a combined network of six thousand four hundred kilometres making it possible to travel from Bombay to Calcutta directly via Allahabad. On 7th March 1870 this route was officially opened (Narayanan, H.U. 2011, p. 23). The opening of this route was part of the inspiration for French writer Jules Veme’s book Around the World in Eighty Days. The official opening ceremony was graced by the Viceroy Lord Mayo who concluded

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Is Jekyll And Hyde Just A Gothic Horror Essay Example for Free

Is Jekyll And Hyde Just A Gothic Horror Essay Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson is a typical Gothic horror story in the way the novel is written and described. Some people may disagree with this statement because in the Cambridge guide to English literature, Gothic fiction is described as a type of novel or romance popular in the late 18th and early 19th century and the word Gothic had come to mean wild barbarous and crude. Gothic novels were usually set in the past and in foreign countries, they took place in monasteries, castles and dungeons. Plots hinged on suspense and mystery often involving the supernatural. Having read the statement and also Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde some parts of the statement do not agree with the novel, for example, the novel is set in London and there are no castles or dungeons. Where as in Dracula by Bram Stoker and also Frankenstein by Mary Shelley are both set in foreign countries and also in mysterious locations Dracula being set in a castle and Frankenstein in a laboratory. To deal with human nature Stevenson discusses the ideas of Charles Darwin. Around the 19th century Charles Darwin began to write theories of animals and evolution, Stevenson was obviously influenced by these ideas and uses them to describe one of the main characters Mr Hyde. Stevenson also mentions religion when he discusses the ideas of Christian and non-Christian aspects in the novel. Stevenson uses lots of Gothic images, one of the first gothic parts of the novel is the trampling of the young girl. This scene is described as a black winter morning with the word black being very strong in that sentence because it makes the place seem evil and sends a shiver down your spine. The location is Gothic as it gives off a sense of darkness and fear. This is the part of the novel where religion is first mentioned, although it is not part of the Christian area of religion. Stevenson describes Hyde, as a juggernaught when he tramples over the young girl this is very strange considering juggernaught was something associated with the Hindu religion. Another Gothic feature in the novel is the murder of Sir Danvers Carew, two quotations which are Gothic are The bones audibly crunching and The body jumped upon the roadway. These sentences are quite interesting in the way they are described, first the crunching is a good use of an onomatopoeia by Stevenson, as the word crunching is very disturbing and you can almost hear the bones crunching in your head. The second makes you think of a dead body jumping around on the road. This is Gothic because the act that Hyde commits is an evil one, and where it actually takes place is a mysterious and strange location. The meeting of the two men also has an air of mystery surrounding it, as they meet in the dead of night when no one else is around. Stevenson uses the ideas of Darwin to write his description of Hyde, in the novel Hyde is described as an ape ..with ape like fury he clubbed him to the earth. A Gothic location is a place where it is usually dark, dingy and foggy a sinister place that you really would not like to be. For example Draculas castle is a gothic location, because it is old and also because it is dark and mysterious. Many of the locations in the novel are gothic, one of them being the description of Hydes house and the street outside. The novel quotes the fog lifted a little and showed him a dingy street. Then in the same chapter Stevenson describes the front of the dissecting room as a Sinister block of building and two storey high, no window. This house seems mysterious by the way it has no window and it leaves you wondering right from the very start of the novel what is actually inside that building. One of the strange things that I noticed when reading the novel is the description of the surrounding area when Dr Jekyll is there towards the end of the book, the novel quotes Fine clear January day, wet under foot where the frost had melted.,and the Regents park was full of winter chirrupings and sweet with spring odours. This is obviously not Gothic at all but it seems unusual that this is the only location in the novel, which is non-Gothic. It seems strange that Stevenson has decided to change from Gothic into something completely different, which really has no real connection to the story, itself. Human nature features in a number of areas in the novel. One of them is the murder of Sir Danvers Carew, besides being Gothic this has something to say about human nature as well. When Hyde begins to go mad and he kills Carew, the novel quotes all of a sudden, he broke out in a great flame of anger. Here Stevenson is using the element of madness and the ideas of schizophrenia, which was being researched around the 19th century. Stevenson also uses Darwins theories of evolution to describe Hyde as inhuman, with ape-like fury. Here the message that Stevenson is trying to give about human nature is that humans have the will and the power to kill something and each other. Stevenson also looks at the idea of split personalities; nearly every character has one. Dr Jekyll is the best example because his character is full of good and evil, when he turns into Hyde he is just pure evil. So when Jekyll loses control he changes from himself into Hyde. Stevenson is saying here that evil is more powerful than good in humans and that is why Hyde overpowers Jekyll, because he is pure evil. In the opening chapter of the novel when Hyde is first mentioned when he tramples over that girl .the man trampled calmly over the childs body then Hyde decides to pay à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½100, we screwed him up to one hundred pounds. Hyde does this instead of apologising to keep the family quiet. This is another example of human nature where some people including Hyde try to pay their way out of trouble. Overall, I feel what Stevenson is trying to say about human nature is that all humans have vices such as drinking and gambling. The creation of Hyde allows Jekyll to do what he wants, when he wants and hopefully he will not get caught. Jekyll does not want to have his reputation ruined, so that is why he creates Hyde so he can do all these things. Stevenson is saying that humans have pessimistic views so they will act evil to get away with something. In conclusion, I think that this novel is a Gothic horror story, but also does have something to say about human nature. Stevenson does mention human nature in the novel as I have discussed previously, for example the trampling of the girl and the murder of Danvers Carew. Of course, the novel could not have discussed human nature if Stevensons wife, Fanny had not been involved. In Jenni Calders introduction to Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Calder writes Stevenson dreamt the essentials of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. It was initially the Gothic aspect of the story that excited him. Fanny didnt like it, she felt there was more potential for more than just a mere horror story, that it might have something to say about human nature. Overall, the human nature aspect of the novel, makes the story more interesting.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Nineteenth Century Europe: Autonomy and Responsibility Essay -- Essays

Nineteenth Century Europe: Autonomy and Responsibility In the nineteenth century, many changes were occurring throughout Europe. Many of these changes focused on the individual, which was an important aspect of European society. However, many changes also focused on the individuals responsibility to the nation. During this time, many individuals demonstrated their right to self-government through political systems such as liberalism, while also showing their loyalty to the nation through movements of nationalism and imperialism. During the time when Europeans became focused on the self, rather than society as a whole, liberals began to surface. Liberals promoted a limited government and desired to protect the rights of the individual. Liberalism was an autonomous political system, meaning the people believed they had the right or power of self-government. Liberals favored equality before the law for all citizens, religious toleration, and freedom of the press.1 During this period it was more important that the rights and duties of the people were acknowledged by the government, rather than the government focusing solely on gaining money and power. Many advancements were made during the nineteenth century that improved the self governing system that Europe desired. The Second Industrial Revolution occurred during which the agricultural and industrial world developed, improving the standard of living. Many Europeans began migrating to cities with the hopes of finding better jobs and better lives. The standard of living greatly improved and the autonomous system of liberalism prospered. As more and more individuals began focusing on their rights and duties as individuals, they also began focusing on their res... ...Western Civilization, 168. 6 War and Civilizationà ® in Rogers, Aspects of Western Civilization, 180. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography Smith, Helmut Walser. German Nationalism and Religious Conflict: Culture, Ideology, Politics, 1870-1914. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1995. This book explores the relationship between religion and the national identity of Germany. In particular it touches on the conflict between Protestants and Catholics as Germany strove to create its own liberal identity. Smith also provides an analysis of the social, cultural, and political dimensions of German life. Finally, Smith explores the role of political Protestantism and the nature of the national identity in Germany today.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Habeas Corpus

In this essay the subject of Habeas Corpus and what events that take place to have Habeas Corpus to he suspended by executive orders from the President’s of the United States. The circumstances, that transpired that empower certain presidents to have such authority gave down by Congress, to implement the extreme acts to protect our Nation. The two most important issues for our country are to keep National Security and Public Safety.But in the time war or an act of aggression on United State soil, Presidents have to use his commander and chief obligations without a lot diplomatic procedures. The objective of this essay is to give three of the most historical suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 handed down from England, and to give what action were taken and how the writ of Habeas Corpus was re-instated by congress. On the final explanation, how right of Habeas Corpus and why inmates use this as the final resources to petition for re-investigate cases and the courts do n ot wrongfully imprison innocent people.Habeas Corpus and Why It Can Be Suspended From Detainees Habeas Corpus is a writ that was formed as Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 and is used to keep and individual from being unlawfully imprisoned. It is not to established guilt or innocence. In the history of Habeas Corpus, in the United States, Presidents had used their war-time executive order power to suspend Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 and/or declared martial law in some of the cases researched. Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and George W. Bush are the most prominent names in concerning suspension of Habeas Corpus.In civilian courts, the U. S. Supreme overseer’s petitions for Habeas Corpus, but most cases are for prisoner’s death role or prisoners that are serving life sentence for murder, rare, or three-strike offenders. In all of this, suspension of Habeas Corpus Act of 1679, decisions were made carried out, and supported by legislative and judiciary branches of government to keep threat of National Security or public Safety, those said right to Habeas Corpus, should be suspended for those being detained. President Abraham Lincoln, in his first hours of his Presidency, was already responding with the start of the U.S. Civil War. Maryland was leading towards siding with the confederacy. Since Washington D. C. is encircled in the States, it was most important to have the state of Maryland, to be loyal to the union. Without this, Union troop movement, in Maryland, to defend the White House, would be impossible. The war would have gone in a Confederate victory. With all that, President Lincoln was facing to protect National Security; He issued an order to military commanders suspending Habeas corpus during the Civil War, which allowed the military to arrest and detain persons without trail for an indefinite time.Congress later passes a law suspending Habeas Corpus, (2005). After the Civil War was over, one detainee named Lambdin P. Milligan , who was charged with conspiracy, and sentenced to be hung. He appealed his case and the U. S. Supreme condemned President Lincoln’s order having military jurisdiction over civilian outside the war zone (1999). President Franklin D. Roosevelt, after Japans’ surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and the Declaration of War on Japan, exercised his executive authority. In the beginning of the U. S. ngagement in World War II, President Roosevelt was concerned with Japanese people residing in the United States. Because of the way Japan orchestrated the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and then a U. S. Territory, the threat of National Security was everywhere (1999). President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued orders authorizing the establishment of â€Å"military areas† from which dangerous persons could be expelled or excluded. This order was issued to designate the West Coast, a military area and to remove and imprison one hundred-twenty-thousand Japanese Americans in â€Å"relocati on location centers† for the duration.With the seriousness, then of national Security, of danger the U. S. Supreme Court upheld the order of relocation, during the war. In more modern times, on September 11, 2001, terrorists’ attacked the United States at New York City (World Trade Center) and Washington D. C. (Pentagon). Upon those attacks, congress authorized President George W. Bush authority to use force to fight a war on terrorism. President Bush issued orders, in October and November 2001, to mobilize National Guard and Army Reserve Units and ordered the detention Enemy Combat Personnel.President Bush held military trials for suspected terrorists. Many of these prisoners would be detained for an indefinite time. Even after President Bush presidency was over, most of his anti-terror policies are still being enforced, â€Å"because, well, they seem to have prevented further attacks. † In closing, Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 is essential to the due process of a trial, at a certain date, certain place, and certain time, for a court to examine the charges or release of custody from a detention center.In cases of extreme circumstances of a felony charges, which is a threat National Security and Public Safety the writ of Habeas Corpus should be suspended. When the authority of such punitive action is exercised, dangerous persons are out of harm’s way of the innocent by-stander. But for the wrongfully accused, it is their last chance to petition to the U. S. Supreme Court to review their case and possibly re-trial to prove detainees innocence. Habeas Corpus Habeas Corpus. The name of this play is quite strange, it made me think of death (corpse), maybe a hideous corpse. My first impressions when I heard that we were going to see the play were very confused. Written by Alan Bennett, Habeas Corpus was a play written by a playwright I had never heard of before, so I had no real expectations. The impressions I did have were completely different from the play I was presented with at the Theatre by the Lake. The theatre is in an idealistic setting in the heart of the Lake District, which is a main tourist area in the U.K., so this means that the majority of audiences will be mainly tourists on holiday and so will be from a wide range of backgrounds and a lot of different age groups. The venue was useful in the setting of the play. The set used a holiday theme and this was very effective and fitted in well with the plot of the play too. I didn't know anything about the director, so I couldn't think what sort of drama forms he might use. The performance spanned April to November, so I don't think that the time of year it was presented in is important, as it would be for example a pantomime at Christmas, but it just so happened to be on in the busiest time of the tourist season, so the holiday theme was appropriate here too. The play was performed on an end-on stage, of average size with a proscenium arch and a large apron, which was used effectively throughout the performance to help the actors communicate directly to the audience. The set was arranged around an acting area painted in white upon the stage, this was so the entire audience could see the whole play without missing any action on the extremities of the stage. However this meant that when an actor made his/her entrance they had to reach the area before they could deliver their line and move on and off with speed. In the middle of the area, there was the main piece of furniture, a white psychiatrists' chair that doubled up as a bench, bed, sofa and part of the pier. This was achieved by painting the bottom with a wood planking design, same as the stage to create an easily adaptable but bland stage not to detract from the actors' performance. The backcloth was a board surrounded with different colored lights, the purpose of which I will explain later. The main reason was to make a postcard/cartoon effect in the middle was a picture of the sea with stuffed seagulls mounted on the front, to add to the surrealist feel. To portray the doctors house, there were three cartoon pictures came down from the ceiling one a skeleton, to remind the characters that death is always looming, a typical old man to remind them that we are all getting older and closer to death and a busty young woman with an hourglass figure to remind them to seize the moment. The plot was very complicated and I feel the best way to explain it briefly is to name the main characters and their role in ‘life'. Dennis- a confused, sexually deprived, geeky young man who is a typical hypochondriac and thinks he is going to die, but is desperate for love (mainly sex) before he does. He falls in love with the voluptuously beautiful Felicity a rich young woman whom wants to use Dennis by marriage before he dies to annoy her mother, also sex mad. Dr Wicksteed is Dennis' father and a perverted doctor who likes nothing more than slyly touching up young rich paying patients, namely Felicity and is desperate for love before he dies. His wife Mrs. Wicksteed is in love with the head doctor Sir Percy Shorter, who doesn't love her any more but finds lust in Felicity who turns out to be his daughter. There are also extra characters like Connie Dennis's Aunt who is very pathetic (until she gets her wonderbra). She is engaged to The Perverted Vicar who preferred her when she looked like a boy. He also stared up the skirt of Felicity's Mother on the train, she had a war time affair with Sir Percy. Connie fal ls in love with the Wonderbra salesperson that is chased by Mrs. Wicksteed. Finally, there is the Suicide fanatic, a non-paying patient who is always trying to end his life via hanging throughout the play but finds no sympathy. The narrator is the Wicksteeds' family cleaner Mrs. Swabb, who guides us through this otherwise confusing play with humour. Not surprisingly, the main theme in this play was sex and relationships. There were also: – marriage – love – death – promiscuity as main themes. The play was set in the early 1970's when the promiscuous society was just becoming accepted. It was also very obviously a farce and a comedy even though it touched upon serious themes. The costumes reflected the characters that wore them. For example Dennis wore orange checked flares and a jumper too small for him, this symbolizes his inexperience and how he is still very much a youth, underneath he wore a dull red flowery shirt that went well with a purple jacket he used for the wedding. His make up was just spots all over his face and gel in his hair to make him appear greasy and unclean. All the characters wore colorful clothes, which stood out against the bland background apart from Connie who in the beginning wore brown unexciting clothes. This made her appear the same age as Dennis even though she was meant to be his Aunt. In the end though, she appeared in a spangled mini dress with fur and high heels, this showed that since she found love with the salesperson she had ‘come out of her shell'. Lighting was a main feature of the performance. For most of the time, there was just a main spotlight focusing on the acting area. . For special effects the lights I mentioned earlier, surrounding the backdrop were very important. In love scenes (e.g.-Where Connie and Sir Percy dance the Tango) the lights illuminated the stage in a soft red glow and when there was a game show section in the performance where they flashed on and off in different colors like a fairground. I found this very effective and it added variety to the performance. Sound was used very little in the production. One very effective use of sound and motion was when Connie opened her Wonderbra. Because it was made from the same material as the Apollo space crafts the music came on as the Apollo Mission Theme Tune and the actors ‘swooped' down to see the content of the box in very slow motion. This was both comical and made it interesting. The only other music was to dance to and a heartbeat in the quiz. Also there were bombing sounds to resemble the blitz when Felicity's mother was telling the story of how her and Sir Percy met. It gave the impression that you were there in the action as it was happening like when you were a child watching a good film. The rest of the actors were very still so they did not detract any attention from the story. Some of the drama forms used were subtle but worked well. Here is my favorite: -Still imaging- they made photographic poses around the centre of attention to focus our attention to the person and so we could see everyone in a way that was pleasing to the eye, colorful and interesting also this is related to the postcard theme of the set design. All the actors were very believable but not in a normal way. You know that they were too stereotypical to be true and that it was a farce but they still came through as real people. All the characters stood out to me in their own special way, and you could relate to all of them in some way so this made them interesting to watch. If you think about it, the farce comes out of laughing at your own faults and how stereotypical we are as much as we want to think we aren't. This was the most important thing in the play, the way they looked at society was original. I really enjoyed Habeas Corpus, it was thought provoking and made you look at yourself in a different light. It made me laugh and delivered a serious message at the same time- don't waste your life and seize every opportunity you get. Habeas Corpus Habeas Corpus. The name of this play is quite strange, it made me think of death (corpse), maybe a hideous corpse. My first impressions when I heard that we were going to see the play were very confused. Written by Alan Bennett, Habeas Corpus was a play written by a playwright I had never heard of before, so I had no real expectations. The impressions I did have were completely different from the play I was presented with at the Theatre by the Lake. The theatre is in an idealistic setting in the heart of the Lake District, which is a main tourist area in the U.K., so this means that the majority of audiences will be mainly tourists on holiday and so will be from a wide range of backgrounds and a lot of different age groups. The venue was useful in the setting of the play. The set used a holiday theme and this was very effective and fitted in well with the plot of the play too. I didn't know anything about the director, so I couldn't think what sort of drama forms he might use. The performance spanned April to November, so I don't think that the time of year it was presented in is important, as it would be for example a pantomime at Christmas, but it just so happened to be on in the busiest time of the tourist season, so the holiday theme was appropriate here too. The play was performed on an end-on stage, of average size with a proscenium arch and a large apron, which was used effectively throughout the performance to help the actors communicate directly to the audience. The set was arranged around an acting area painted in white upon the stage, this was so the entire audience could see the whole play without missing any action on the extremities of the stage. However this meant that when an actor made his/her entrance they had to reach the area before they could deliver their line and move on and off with speed. In the middle of the area, there was the main piece of furniture, a white psychiatrists' chair that doubled up as a bench, bed, sofa and part of the pier. This was achieved by painting the bottom with a wood planking design, same as the stage to create an easily adaptable but bland stage not to detract from the actors' performance. The backcloth was a board surrounded with different colored lights, the purpose of which I will explain later. The main reason was to make a postcard/cartoon effect in the middle was a picture of the sea with stuffed seagulls mounted on the front, to add to the surrealist feel. To portray the doctors house, there were three cartoon pictures came down from the ceiling one a skeleton, to remind the characters that death is always looming, a typical old man to remind them that we are all getting older and closer to death and a busty young woman with an hourglass figure to remind them to seize the moment. The plot was very complicated and I feel the best way to explain it briefly is to name the main characters and their role in ‘life'. Dennis- a confused, sexually deprived, geeky young man who is a typical hypochondriac and thinks he is going to die, but is desperate for love (mainly sex) before he does. He falls in love with the voluptuously beautiful Felicity a rich young woman whom wants to use Dennis by marriage before he dies to annoy her mother, also sex mad. Dr Wicksteed is Dennis' father and a perverted doctor who likes nothing more than slyly touching up young rich paying patients, namely Felicity and is desperate for love before he dies. His wife Mrs. Wicksteed is in love with the head doctor Sir Percy Shorter, who doesn't love her any more but finds lust in Felicity who turns out to be his daughter. There are also extra characters like Connie Dennis's Aunt who is very pathetic (until she gets her wonderbra). She is engaged to The Perverted Vicar who preferred her when she looked like a boy. He also stared up the skirt of Felicity's Mother on the train, she had a war time affair with Sir Percy. Connie fal ls in love with the Wonderbra salesperson that is chased by Mrs. Wicksteed. Finally, there is the Suicide fanatic, a non-paying patient who is always trying to end his life via hanging throughout the play but finds no sympathy. The narrator is the Wicksteeds' family cleaner Mrs. Swabb, who guides us through this otherwise confusing play with humour. Not surprisingly, the main theme in this play was sex and relationships. There were also: – marriage – love – death – promiscuity as main themes. The play was set in the early 1970's when the promiscuous society was just becoming accepted. It was also very obviously a farce and a comedy even though it touched upon serious themes. The costumes reflected the characters that wore them. For example Dennis wore orange checked flares and a jumper too small for him, this symbolizes his inexperience and how he is still very much a youth, underneath he wore a dull red flowery shirt that went well with a purple jacket he used for the wedding. His make up was just spots all over his face and gel in his hair to make him appear greasy and unclean. All the characters wore colorful clothes, which stood out against the bland background apart from Connie who in the beginning wore brown unexciting clothes. This made her appear the same age as Dennis even though she was meant to be his Aunt. In the end though, she appeared in a spangled mini dress with fur and high heels, this showed that since she found love with the salesperson she had ‘come out of her shell'. Lighting was a main feature of the performance. For most of the time, there was just a main spotlight focusing on the acting area. . For special effects the lights I mentioned earlier, surrounding the backdrop were very important. In love scenes (e.g.-Where Connie and Sir Percy dance the Tango) the lights illuminated the stage in a soft red glow and when there was a game show section in the performance where they flashed on and off in different colors like a fairground. I found this very effective and it added variety to the performance. Sound was used very little in the production. One very effective use of sound and motion was when Connie opened her Wonderbra. Because it was made from the same material as the Apollo space crafts the music came on as the Apollo Mission Theme Tune and the actors ‘swooped' down to see the content of the box in very slow motion. This was both comical and made it interesting. The only other music was to dance to and a heartbeat in the quiz. Also there were bombing sounds to resemble the blitz when Felicity's mother was telling the story of how her and Sir Percy met. It gave the impression that you were there in the action as it was happening like when you were a child watching a good film. The rest of the actors were very still so they did not detract any attention from the story. Some of the drama forms used were subtle but worked well. Here is my favorite: -Still imaging- they made photographic poses around the centre of attention to focus our attention to the person and so we could see everyone in a way that was pleasing to the eye, colorful and interesting also this is related to the postcard theme of the set design. All the actors were very believable but not in a normal way. You know that they were too stereotypical to be true and that it was a farce but they still came through as real people. All the characters stood out to me in their own special way, and you could relate to all of them in some way so this made them interesting to watch. If you think about it, the farce comes out of laughing at your own faults and how stereotypical we are as much as we want to think we aren't. This was the most important thing in the play, the way they looked at society was original. I really enjoyed Habeas Corpus, it was thought provoking and made you look at yourself in a different light. It made me laugh and delivered a serious message at the same time- don't waste your life and seize every opportunity you get.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Month to Live

A Month to Live Everyone should live like today is her last day because no one knows if it will be her last one. If I knew I only had a month to live I would try to focus on things that are most important to me. I would spend a lot of time in prayer. God, who knows me better than myself, also knows I would have a lot of request. First, I would try to get all my business affairs in order for my family. I would want them to know about the life insurance policies, retirement benefits, and other matters they need to check on.I would make sure I told them about any details that were important to me such as funeral arrangements or burial location. I would also try to figure out who I wanted to have any of my valuable or sentimental possessions. This way I could give it to them before I was no longer here. Even though these practical details are necessary, I would spend little of my limited time concentrating on my worldly affairs because there are more important things to do.Next, I would take a little time to reflect on my life to see if I needed to make peace with anyone. If I knew I offended someone or treated someone badly then I would definitely want to make amends. If I was holding a grudge or thought someone was holding a grudge against me I certainly would want to make things right for both of us. I would want my friends to know how much they all mean to me. I would be sure to tell my family members how proud I was of each of them and that I expected them to continue to take care of each other.I would even like to tell my ex-husband that I forgive him for not being there to help support his children when they were growing up. Third, I would focus on spending time with my family, especially my children, grandchildren, parents, and siblings. We could sit and talk about our lives and all the wonderful times we shared. I would take my family on a vacation together. Just being able to sit and talk with them, seeing their smiling faces or reaching over to give them a hug, or just hearing their voices.Their laughter would make me very happy during my last month. Spending time with them is all I would want to do. Just as my life revolves around taking care of them, their happiness would be my main focus till my death. Finally, I would want a little peace before I leave this world. For example, I would like to sit under the trees remembering my life; I would appreciate the star, the sunset, and just the natural beauty of the world. I hope I would be able to think of my life and know I would not trade it for anyone else’s.

Friday, November 8, 2019

External Factors Essay Example

General Electric Internal/External Factors Essay Example General Electric Internal/External Factors Essay General Electric Internal/External Factors Essay General Electric Internal/External Factors For over one hundred thirty years General Electric has helped shape this country to the comforts known today. Their company motto â€Å"imagination at work† says it all. With their ability to adapt to the ever changing environment around them as lead the company’s success and drive over the years. In today’s corporate world you can not find a stronger company that has learned and changed through time. The following looks at how they survived and grew for over a century. A strong company learns to adapt to different factors in the world. Most of these factors come from within a company which tends to break the company down over time. General Electric has learned to watch for issues like this and works to keep its employees as a major part of the company’s decisions. It was best stated by the company’s CEO Jeff Immelt back in 2005, â€Å"At the top, we dont run GE like a big company. We run it like a big partnership, where every leader can make a contribution not just to their job, but to the entire Company† (GE, 2005). The company learned to listen to its leaders on all levels which keep the company connected to the daily needs of the employees and its customers. General Electric learned that these individuals see more of the company everyday and in order to make sure they have the best leaders in each level to control the daily business they have built their own team training program. For over 50 years the General Electric company has been sending its leaders to the John F. Welch leadership center to further educate the company’s employees in order for better results out of the next generations leaders. On top of the continued education of their employees the company faces external challenges each day. For years the challenge has presented its self for the company to produce energy efficient products and they have risen to the occasion. Today you will find that they are still given the challenge to help our environment and they are ready to help. Today’s economy still fights to try and create new ways to reduce harmful gas emission and find alternate means of energy. General Electric has taken this challenge and worked on many projects help the environment that today’s society is currently creating. One thought was to reduce the amount of emissions and General Electric has stepped up with the new Integrated Compressor Line (ICL). The ICL has reduced both CO2 emissions and reduced the use of 38, 250 liters of lubricant oil for each unit’s life (GE, 2008). These are just some ways that General Electric has thrived over the years. They have followed the fact of watching the economy and building strong leaders to help plan and control all aspects of the company. The emergence of globalization has caused numerous companies to change the way they function as an organization. Globalization affects all the functions of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. General Electric Company is on the forefront of globalization and has adapted to meet the needs of a new global marketplace. For the function of planning, GE has made changes with respect to globalization. By throwing out the old top-to-bottom model of planning, GE has created teams of junior staffers, taken for their ability to think creatively. The company has also begun to make interactions with clients and suppliers, which is a dramatic shift from the close-to-the-vest approach of yesteryear (Byrne, 1996). In regard to organizing, GE has effectively shifted from an industry leading manufacturer, to a service-focused international conglomerate with activities in energy, construction, financial services, and health services (Auchard, 2008). In a recent speech, CEO of GE Jeff Immelt made it perfectly clear that GE will maintain a global approach to running itself, now and in the future. Immelt said I am a globalist. You are a globalist. We all believe in the strength of the global economy, (Auchard, 2008, para. 4) as quoted in a recent article. The survival of a company depends on its ability to utilize current, developing, and new technologies. Technology affects every aspect of business, from manufacturing, to management, to communication. Advances in technology allow companies to enter markets that it was unable to in the past. For example, GE has developed a new technology for MRI machines in the United States and does research in India for low cost. GE then sells them in emerging markets, such as China and other East Asian countries (Auchard, 2008). A venture like this takes an incredible amount of planning and organizing. First, the company needs to locate and assess potential markets. Then they would have to organize the resources needed to create, manufacture and distribute the product. Next, they need the leadership to influence the creation of the product throughout every stage of development. Lastly, they have to assess if the venture was successful and make recommendations to improve the process now and in future ventures. As a company General Electric is very much about innovation and innovative thought. This is readily apparent from not only their slogan â€Å"imagination at work† but also when one looks back to General Electric’s humble beginnings when their research laboratory was first built. It was during that time when General Electric established one of its main priorities (General Electric, 2008). The research laboratory’s purpose was to discover new things and to figure out a way to put those new discoveries to use. An example of this would be General Electric’s DLN 2. 6+ Combustion System. This system was created in response to higher gas prices and more stringent emission requirements. It not only saves fuel but lowers CO2 emissions (General Electric, 2008). The development of the DLN 2. 6+ Combustion System shows that even today General Electric still makes goals and objectives to help them grow while bringing â€Å"innovative technology to the world† (General Electric, 2008). Bringing innovative technology to the world is not a simple task. This task would require a large amount of resources. Fortunately, General Electric has found a way to obtain the needed resources. Over the years General Electric has spread to locations around the world which in turn has given them access to vast resources within each country. In countries that are experiencing enormous growth such as China General Electric has been able to build and develop resources successfully (General Electric, 2008). General Electric prides itself on not only the quality of its products but also the quality of its leadership. The CEO of General Electric Jeff Immelt believes in looking at the big picture and how General Electric fits into that picture (General Electric, 2008). As such he believes in everyone making a contribution to both his or her jobs and the entire company (General Electric, 2008). Also since Jeff Immelt became CEO General Electric has been recognized in polls as Americas Most Admired Company and of the Worlds Most Respected Companies they have also seen a variety of successes in discovering and producing innovative products (General Electric, 2008). As a company General Electric prides itself on integrity along with innovation. As such they have very strong governance principals that they follow in order to maintain fully compliant. General Electric’s principals outline everything from the role of the board and management to the policy on poison pills (General Electric, 2008). Their principals provide the framework that General Electric uses maintain their high compliance standards which have earned them their 10. 0 rating from Governance Metrics (General Electric, 2008). Over the years General Electric as a company has grown to include locations worldwide. As General Electric grew its workforce changed and began to include people from diverse backgrounds speaking a multitude of languages. As General Electric continues to grow worldwide they have the ability to call upon their diverse workforce to aid them in creating goals that will allow them to advance within other countries such as China or India (General Electric, 2008). General Electric recruits employees of various backgrounds from all over the world. The career portal on their website offers jobs in their various locations in many different countries written in the peoples native languages. This helps General Electric obtain talent from various countries (General Electric, 2008). General Electric also has network groups such as the GE Womens Network, the African American Forum and the Asian/ Pacific-American Forum. The goal of these groups is to attract and retain talented individuals of various backgrounds and to provide a place for individuals of similar backgrounds to get together and obtain support within their work environment (General Electric, 2008). By having these types of group within there organization General Electric makes it easier for their goals to be achieved. These groups help to create cohesion within the company and a clear understanding of everyones roles. Ethics influence’s all four of the functions of management at General Electric. General Electric uses technology to better the world. General Electrics planning is based around their roots. They started small and worked their way up. Setting goals from a barn in his back yard Steinmetz convinced the higher up’s that the company would benefit from a research laboratory. By having a laboratory the company could perform more tests and grow in the technology to help others. While Steinmetz and Whitney might not recognize the facilities today, they would feel very comfortable with the lab’s mission - spurring GEs growth by bringing innovative technology to the world (General Electric, 2008). General Electric’s organizing goes hand in hand with the planning because once you have the plan you must put the ball in motion. The company needs a certain type of people to and a certain work environment to promote the atmosphere needed to bring their mission to light. GE’s mission is to bring innovative technology to the world. GE’s leadership is the top personal that sees that all the planning and organizing goes they way the company would like it to. GE encourages their personal to learn as much as they can in order to move up into a leadership position. The leadership of the company makes sure that they are teaching and letting any personal that would like to learn in order to advance that they can. Their controlling is like the leadership part but has more of a structure to it. For example a way they control things is with rules, regulations and policies. With out those things there would be ciaos. So over all the ethics in General Electric appear to be very good with high standers to keep the company moving and afloat. Overall the manager is just one person who requires the help of their staff to follow through on all of the offices work throughout the day. The biggest tool the management has is to delegate task out to the team so that all parts of the job are completed. By assigning different task to their employees they have the ability to complete more tasks and to see how well an employee handles themselves under the extra responsibility. For example the manager can delegate the task of controller to an individual in one division of the office to see how they handle the job. In the end delegation is another part of the manager’s job in order to complete all task in a timely manner . Understanding the principles and basic functions builds a strong foundation for any manager and company. So looking back you will see that following the basic principles and functions of management will help to build a strong career. By looking at growth of a company like General Electric you will also find that the benefits of a solid manager will build a company that will last the test of time. One can only hope by attaining the knowledge they can succeed the same way. Reference: Auchard E. , (2008). Globalization is a Tough Sell, GE’s Immelt Says. Reuters. com. Retrieved April 27, 2008, from reuters. com/article/ousiv/idUSN0620856720070708? pageNumber=2virtualBrandChannel=0sp=true Byrne J. A. , (1996). Strategic Planning. BusinessWeek. com. Retrieved April 25, 2008, from businessweek. com/1996/35/b34901. htm General Electric Company, 2008, Leadership, retrieved April 27, 2008, from ge. com/company/leadership/index. tml General Electric News, 2008, Shades of Green, retrieved April 27, 2008, from geoilandgas. com/businesses/ge_oilandgas/en/newsletter/geog_enews_feb08_022908/ecomagination. html General Electric. (2008). Heritage of Research: Our History: Our Company. Retrieved April 28, 2008, from ge. com/company/history/research. html General Electric. (2008). GE Energy DLN 2. 6+ Combustion System. Retrieved April 28, 2008, from gepower. com/prod_serv/serv_for/g as_steam_turbines/en/cmus/dln26. htm General Electric. (2008). GE Worldwide Activities: Climate Change, Olympics, USCAP. Retrieved April 28, 2008, from ge. com/company/worldwide_activities/index. html General Electric. (2008). GE Jeffrey R. Immelt: CEO, Chairman, Career, Biography, Profile. Retrieved April 28, 2008, from ge. com/company/leadership/ceo. html General Electric. (2008). GE Leadership: CEO, Executives, Management, Board of Directors. Retrieved April 28, 2008, from ge. com/company/leadership/index. html General Electric. (2008). GE Governance: Principles, Succession, Leadership, Management. Retrieved April 28, 2008, from ge. com/company/governance/principles/index. html

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Spanish Prepositional Pronouns

Spanish Prepositional Pronouns The easy part about learning the grammar of pronouns in Spanish is that they follow a structure similar to the pronouns of English, serving as subjects as well as objects of verbs and prepositions. The tricky part, at least for people whose first language is English, is remembering which pronouns to use. While English uses the same pronouns as objects of prepositions and for direct and indirect objects of verbs, Spanish has a different set of pronouns for each usage, and those sets overlap. The subject pronouns and prepositional pronouns are identical except in the first-person singular and familiar second-person singular forms. How To Use Prepositional Pronouns As you can probably guess, prepositional pronouns are those that come after prepositions. In a sentence such as Tengo una sorpresa para ella (I have a surprise for her), para (for) is the preposition and ella (her) is the prepositional pronoun. Here are the prepositional pronouns of Spanish along with examples of their usage: mà ­ (first-person singular, equivalent of me): El regalo es para mà ­. (The gift is for me.)ti (informal second-person singular, equivalent of you; note that there is no written accent on this pronoun): El regalo es para ti. (The gift is for you.)usted (formal second-person singular, equivalent of you): El regalo es para usted. (The gift is for you.)à ©l (third-person masculine singular, equivalent of him or it): El regalo es para à ©l. (The gift is for him.)  Miro debajo à ©l.  (I am looking under it.)ella (third-person feminine singular, equivalent of her or it): El regalo es para ella. (The gift is for her.)  Miro debajo ella.  (I am looking under it.)nosotros, nosotras (first-person plural, equivalent of us): El regalo es para nosotros. (The gift is for us.)vosotros, vosotras (second-person informal plural, equivalent of you): El regalo es para vosotros. (The gift is for you.)ustedes (second-person formal plural, equivalent of you): El regalo es para ustedes.  (Th e gift is for you.) ellos, ellas (third-person plural, equivalent of them): El regalo es para ellos. (The gift is for them.) Sà ­ as a Pronoun There is also another prepositional object that is occasionally used. Sà ­ is used to mean himself, herself, the formal yourself, the formal yourselves, or themselves as the object of a preposition. For example, à ©l compra el regalo para sà ­, he is buying the gift for himself. One reason you dont see this usage often is since the meaning is usually expressed using the reflexive form of the verb: Se compra un regalo, he is buying himself a gift. Pronouns for It Either à ©l or ella can mean it as the object of a preposition, although as a subject there is no Spanish word used for it. The word used depends on the gender of the noun it replaces, with à ©l being used for masculine nouns and ella being used for feminine nouns.  ¿Dà ³nde est la mesa? Necesito mirar debajo ella. (Where is the table? I need to look under it.) ¿Dà ³nde est el carro? Necesito mirar debajo à ©l.  (Where is the car? I need to look under it.) Similarly, ellos and ellas, when used as a preposition pronoun meaning them, can be used to represent things as well as people. Use ellos when referring to nouns that are masculine, ellas for feminine nouns. Ellos also is used when referring to a group that includes both masculine and feminine nouhs. Contigo and Conmigo Instead of saying con mà ­ and con ti, use conmigo and contigo. Él va conmigo.  (He is going with me.)  Ella va contigo.  (She is going with you.) You also should use consigo instead of con sà ­, although this word isnt very common. Él habla consigo. (He  talks with himself.) Exceptions: Prepositions Followed by Subject Pronouns Finally, note that yo and tà º are used with the following six prepositions instead of with mà ­ and ti, respectively: entre (between)excepto (usually translated as except)incluso (including or even)menos (except)salvo (except)segà ºn (according to) Also, hasta is used with the subject pronouns when it is used in the same way as incluso. Examples: Es la diferencia entre tà º y yo. (Its the difference between you and me.)Muchas personas incluso/hasta yo creen en las hadas. (Many people including me believe in fairies.)Todos excepto/menos/salvo tà º creen en las hadas. (Everybody except you believes in fairies.)Es la verdad segà ºn yo. (Its the truth according to me.)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Department of the U.S. Army Culture Analysis Paper Research

Department of the U.S. Army Culture Analysis - Research Paper Example All these are the visible of organizational culture, but sometimes it is difficult to interpret. In most cases, behavior and artifacts portray what a group is doing but it cannot give the reasons why they are doing it. The next level of organizational culture is the values. Values determine the behaviors, but they are not visible or observable like the behaviors. There is a great difference between the operating and stated values. Many people and organizations attribute their behaviors to stated values (Schein 103). Assumptions and beliefs grow from the values up to the point where they are taken for granted and dropped out of awareness. People may be unable to articulate or unaware of the assumptions and beliefs, which forms their deepest level of culture. For better understanding of culture, it is important for one to understand the three levels of an organizational culture, which is not an easy task. Another difficult task when studying organizational culture is cultural or group unit, which owns the culture. An organization may be having many different cultures or subcultures or even absents of specific or dominant culture in the organization. It is important to recognize the group or cultural unit for one to identify and understand the culture. Organizational cultures are created, maintained, and even transformed by people. Part of the organizational culture is created and maintained by leadership in the organization. Leaders who are in the executive positions are responsible in articulati ng core values, specifying norms and generating and re-infusing ideologies in an organization. Organizational values indicate or express certain outcomes or certain behaviors in an organization. Organizational norms express those behaviors, which are accepted by others by others in the organization. Organizational norms are the acceptable ways of pursuing goals through a cultural means. Leaders or executives establish rules or parameters

Friday, November 1, 2019

Philosophy, The Ultimate Knowledge and Wisdom Essay

Philosophy, The Ultimate Knowledge and Wisdom - Essay Example Numerous writers, philosophers, thinkers and the life have attempted to delve into this subject, to gain the wisdom that one yearns for. This essay attempts to highlight the spiritual quest and knowledge provided by Plato and Thoreau, in their books 'Socrates' and 'Walden Pond', respectively. The approaches adopted by both these great thinkers, vary considerably and it is this variation that diversifies one's thinking and contemplation over the different paths chosen, that enriches our reading experience and knowledge, as well. Plato's 'Socrates' does put forth the teachings of the Greek philosopher, in the form of dialogues between him and his pupils. Through this book, he put forth his philosophy that in one's life, man must be virtuous and true to ethics and morals. When faced with duality of circumstance, he must most certainly choose the path that leads to an ethical conclusion. He says that 'Virtue is Knowledge'. One is considered knowledgeable when one knows what is virtuous. If one knows what is virtuous, one would follow the virtuous, which is morally acceptable.